Think Pieces

Think Pieces

  • Burgess, N. (2023). Measurement for performance improvement – in search of the golden thread. Warwick Business School. [wbs]
  • Levy, L. (2023). The Healthcare Pipeline: Primary Care Physician Shortage Starts with Undergraduate Students. International Journal of Family and Primary Care. [pdf]
  • Aragón, T., Garcia, B. (2016). Population Health Lean. San Francisco Department of Public Health. [Available on]
  • Chassin, M. R., & Loeb, J. M. (2013). High‐reliability health care: getting there from here. Milbank Quarterly91(3), 459-490. [pdf]
  • McDonald, P. A., Mecklenburg, R. S., & Martin, L. A. (2014). The Employer-Led Health Care Revolution. Harvard business review93(7-8), 38-50. [pdf]
  • Miller, D. (ed.) (2005) Going Lean in Health Care. IHI Innovation Series white paper. Cambridge, MA: Institute for Healthcare Improvement. [Available on]
  • Toussaint, J. S. (2016). Healthcare improvement can’t happen without better management. Healthcare (Amsterdam, Netherlands)4(3), 127. [pdf]
  • Womack, J.P. (2016) Dealing with Lean’s Crazy Relatives. Retrieved from Planet Lean